Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mantan Moreland
For more information regarding this gifted comic, you can go to IMDB and Wikipedia.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Heart of the Matter
If you are familiar with the Peter Principle, you can skip this bit. Otherwise, it states in brief "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence." While created in a humorous tone there is genuine truth to this. It has spawned a number of related books, including two by the original authors (The Peter Prescription and The Peter Plan) as well as Scott Adam's own expansion upon the theory. I highly recommend reading these, especially if you want to understand some of the things I'll be ranting about, especially what I call . . .
This may also be described as the Corporate Law of Duck and Cover. The gist of this is while all the idiots, fools and morons are busy screwing around, the useful people are having to bust their butts to keep the corporate ship afloat. While this may be all well and nice, it doesn't allow them time to play the politic game, if they were so inclined to in the first place.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
In The Beginning
The original name for this was “Let’s Get Dangerous.” An allusion to recovering a cultural edge that I feel has been lost in these odd times. It’s also something I say to my 7 – 10 year old Tae Kwan Do students when I want to get their parents attention. Then at 2:00am in the morning I realized I was quoting Darkwing Duck and stood a possible chance of having the snot sued out of me by the Disney Corporation.
So, I decided to go with “The Dysfunctional Zombie” instead. This is a more ironic take on the lost cultural edge I mentioned earlier. I also happen to like Zombies. Not the new, modern, flesh eating variety that can be found haunting the local grocery store but the older, more dignified zombie from films like White Zombie and King of The Zombies. Slower, more laid back I admit but they have a distinct charm that simply cannot be beaten by randomly ripping a limb out of its socket.
So, why have I started this? Well, two reason spring to mind:
- I need to exercise my writing ability so I thought victimizing the blogging community was an appropriate venue.
- Exploring various topics in a decidedly one sided forum for the amusement of a singular person appeals to me.
Besides, my wife wasn’t quite sure the world was ready for me to start “blogging.”
The Dysfunction of a Zombie
If you are saying to yourself, “A zombie can’t be dysfunctional. Their purpose is to be, well, a zombie and all zombies do is wander around moaning a lot,” then you really are not going to enjoy this space at all. Go find a nice Garfield comic to take the burden off your mind.
It isn’t going to happen here.
Think about it.
A dysfunctional zombie would be a functional being.
It’s called “irony!”