Monday, November 1, 2010

What if?


What if I was actually able to write more than three sentences in a row without walking away from the keyboard?

Apparently I’m not.

Now to get back to the task at hand.  You would think that with the amount of time I have spent theoretically refining the craft of writing, some of the scathing criticism I have endured (after rightfully earning it), the cramped muscles and inflamed shoulder and the ton of software, books and everything else I have purchased that I would feel an overwhelming compulsion to sit down and furiously write.

After all, I love the creation of the written word, of the . . .

Hold on a sec.

Okay, I’m back.

What I’m talking about is some built in avoidance to physically sitting down and actually typing, sitting in front of the computer and pounding out whatever drivel trickles into my mind.  I am in desperate need of somehow being able to focus and not get distracted.

Sorry, baby break.

Currently I am actively writing two blogs, at least three short stories and a novel.  This is in addition to revising and submitting my resume as well as all the other things needed in finding a job.  (Ever apply for a government job?  The application process is very near to novel writing.)

Let’s see, I could budget my time.  Set aside a specific amount of time just for writing. Or a set number of words.  Some sort of achievable goal.


Even before I was a father I wasn’t nearly that organized.  Now . . .

Back from baby pit stop.

I think the trick is to not give up, to not stop, no matter how long the  . . .  gap.