I just wanted to take a moment and clarify the difference between Classic Zombies and New Zombies. Why this is important I really don't know, but it seems to be. The original movie zombie first appeared in White Zombie, an independent production starring Bela Lugosi. The zombies in this film were the half dead minions of Lugosi's sinister character who were enslaved to do his evil bidding. This set the tone for your average zombie of the time – half dead, possibly stolen from the grave and in thrall to some sinister force.
New Zombies appeared first in George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. This was the first of the brain eating, mob controlled, apocalyptic, flesh dripping undead. This movie set the tone for many modern zombie films including four more in the Romero series and an endless number of films including remakes and parodies. Romero's films set themselves apart by including some pretty involved social commentary. For more info:
White Zombie on IMDB
White Zombie on Wikipedia
Night of the Living Dead on IMDB
Night of the Living Dead on Wikipedia
* If you seriously think this is sponsored by Zombies then there isn't much I can do for you, except, "Look deep into my eyes . . ."
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